
I feel like a strong person. I feel grounded and settled in my innermost being. I feel strong and capable physically and like I’m prepared for the hard days of motherhood.

I feel strong when I accomplish hard tasks. I feel strong when I help someone in need despite all my own needs. This is a good satisfaction I feel with my hard work.

I feel strong when I do what I want to do and go where I want to go and make it work with my little guys in tow. I feel strong when I manage my time well so my toddler doesn’t feel rushed but I’m still arriving at my destination on time. I feel strong when I’m not stressed but focused on what needs to happen. I feel strong when I enjoy the little moments even through all the hard work.

I feel strong when I give and make sacrifices no one even knows about. I feel strong when I overcome and push through the way I feel. I feel strong when I can keep the secret things secret and not make excuses and not explain all my struggles when it’s not the right time.

I feel strong when I realize I am in control of my self, my emotions, my words, my actions, and my reactions. I feel like nothing can break me down. I feel powerful. I AM strong.